
The following organizations and individuals have endorsed the campaign. 


Alcona Local Foods Association

American Human Rights Council, Dearborn

Anishinaabek Caucus, Michigan Democratic Party

Article32.org--Idle No More

Ban Michigan Fracking (nonprofit group whose members started the ballot initiative)

Barry County Democratic Committee

Battle Creek Voices of Peace

Bee Aware

Canadians for Action on Climate Change

Center for Biological Diversity

Climate SOS Canada

Coalition to Oppose the Expansion of US Ecology

Coalition to Protect New York

Community Environmental Legal Defense Council, Inc.

Council of Canadians

Crawford County Peaceseekers

Don't Frack West Michigan

Don't Waste Michigan

Energy Justice Network

Environmental Caucus, Michigan Democratic Party

Faith Communities Together for Frac Awareness



Frack Free Michiana

Freshwater Accountability Project (Ohio)

Gray Panthers of Metro Detroit

Gray Panthers of Washtenaw

Green Party of Michigan

Hood Research

Kentucky Climate Action

Loons Corps Northern Michigan

Manistee Water Guardians

Marcellus Protest, Pennsylvania

Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation

Michigan Nurses Association

MOMS Advocating Sustainability

Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shutoff, Detroit

National Lawyers Guild Environmental Justice Committee

Natural Awakenings Magazine--West Michigan

New York Climate Action Group

North Chickamauga Creek Conservancy (Tennessee)

North Oakland Democratic Club

Northwest Ohio Alliance to Stop Fracking

Occupy Wall Street Outreach Working Group

Occupy Wall Street Environmental Solidarity Working Group

Peace Action of Michigan

The Peace Center, Kalamazoo

Peace of the Action

Popular Resistance

Progressive Democrats, Michigan Democratic Party

Shiawassee County Democratic Party

Sierra Club--Michigan Chapter

Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment (SAFE)

Superior Land Preservation Society

Sustainable Chattanooga

Traverse Watershed Greens

Treasure the Karoo Action Group, South Africa

Two Rivers Coalition

Voices4Earth, Southfield

Washtenaw 350.org

Williams County Alliance (Ohio)

Wrong Kind of Green




Dr. Helen Caldicott, founding president of Physicians for Social Responsibility

John Chandler, Summerfield Township supervisor, Monroe County

David Cobb, spokesperson, Move to Amend

Don Cooney, Kalamazoo City Commissioner

Craig Covey, former mayor of Ferndale

Joe Curry, Joe Curry Well Drilling Inc.

Shane Davis, Fractivist.org, Colorado

Jonathan Deal, 2013 winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa, Treasure the Karoo

Michelle Deatrick, chair, DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council

Phil Doe, Be the Change, Colorado ban fracking activist

Dr. Larysa Dyrszka, Concerned Health Professionals of NY

Jessica Ernst (suing Encana and Alberta, Canada government over water contamination)

John Fenton (with Pavillion Area Concerned Citizens, Wyoming)

Dana Ferguson, candidate for US Congress, Michigan 1st District

Dr. Margaret Flowers, M.D.

Josh Fox, film director, Gasland and Gasland Part II

Dr. Christopher Grobbel, Grobbel Environmental & Planning

Dr. Mona Hannah-Attisha, Flint physician

Howie Hawkins, Syracuse, NY

Richard Heinberg, author, Snake Oil: How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future

Maynard Kaufman, retired professor of religion and environmental studies, Western Michigan University and organizer of the Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance

Winona LaDuke, environmentalist and political activist, director of Honor the Earth

Karen Majewski, mayor of Hamtramck

Reggie Miller, Van Buren Township trustee

Jim Nash, Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner

Doug Shields, former Pittsburgh City Council president, featured in Gasland Part II

Peter Sinclair, of Climate Denial Crock of the Week

Helen Slottje, Esq., winner of 2014 Goldman Environmental Prize

Jill Stein, 2012 and 2016 Green Party candidate for president

Sandra Steingraber, ecologist and author

Maura Stephens, author, activist, educator, Ithaca, NY

Roger Taylor, radio host, WKZO, Kalamazoo

Rashida Tlaib, former State Representative, and current US Congresswoman, Detroit

Wes Wilson, EPA whistleblower and retired analyst, Be the Change, Colorado

Coleman A. Young II, former State Senator, D-Detroit




AMPM24-7 Productions, Honor

Balanced Blessings, Newaygo

Beaver Trail Campground, West Branch

Green Space Consulting, Grand Rapids

Ideology, Inc., Oxford

Natural Awakenings Magazine

Peace, Love and Planet, Northville 

Play Environments, Inc., Holland (MI)

Progressive Printing, Battle Creek

Three Roods Farm, Columbiaville


Artists, Musicians

Wanda Degen

May Erlewine and Seth Bernard

AnnMarie Parson McNamara

Sally Rogers, folk musician, Thrushwood Press Publishing

Soul Patch