Michigan Ban Fracking Initiative (2016)
Michigan Secretary of State:
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality:
Hydraulic Fracturing in Michigan (with link to current High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Activity Map)
Recommended Videos and Films:
The Intersection Between Hydraulic Fracturing and Climate Change (Dr. Tony Ingraffea)
Unearthed: The Fracking Facade
"It's time to look behind the glitzy commercials and PR campaigns. Unearthed: Setting the fracking track record straight - A video exposing a flawed claim often abused in the sales pitch for promoting shale gas development across the world: "With a history of 60 years, after nearly a million wells drilled, there are no documented cases that hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') has lead to the contamination of groundwater." 2012.
Jessica Ernst Exposes Drilling and Fracking Crimes in Alberta, Canada (March 2014)
This compelling Emmy Award winning documentary from 2009 shows the dirty side of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas, an energy source the industry touts as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.
Shaleshock Media - Numerous good videos by community groups and individuals in the fight against horizontal hydrofracking.
Recommended Michigan websites:
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
Recommended Out-of-state websites:
Chenango Delaware Otsego Gas Drilling Opposition Group
Colorado Community Rights Network (ballot initiative in Colorado to allow communities to ban fracking)
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in Pennsylvania (CELDF)
SAFE (Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment)